Welcome To My World!
As an individual who has had a physical disability from birth, I feel that it is vital to educate the public about disabilities, especially those disabilities which are more severe. While I am adamant about sensitivity trainings, which are workshops that teach various aspects of interacting with a person with a disability, it is just as vital to discuss personal issues and topics that our non-disabled counterparts either assume incorrectly or never consider at all.
Enough people do not understand that individuals with disabilities are just like everyone else! If people could only remember that, I believe that our disabilities would nearly disappear. This might sound bizarre, but just imagine if you were treated differently because your eyes were blue, something that you have no control over. That is exactly how it is, having a disability that cannot be hidden for a single second.
I am certain that some readers will be shocked by some of my blog posts. If only they could spend a week in my shoes, they would see that what I write is not made up or exaggerated. We all know the saying “fact is stranger than fiction”; individuals with disabilities, especially more severe ones, know this better than anyone else! Things are improving each and every day, they really are, however there is still so much educating to do in terms of having society see individuals with disabilities just like everyone else.
I sincerely want this blog to be an awakening to many individuals who cannot see past the disability. I very often wonder why it is so difficult to see and accept us as any other person; we are just that, and simply need an accommodation such as a ramp to a building, extra time and patience to get our point across, etc.
Please leave me comments to let me know what you think of my blog posts. I look especially forward to my friends with disabilities who can add their input and comments to topics I blog on! Feel free to email me as well at kdbarajas@icloud.com.
Thank you for visiting, see you again very soon!